Contractor Membership is open to civil contracting companies of all sizes. Contractor Members are involved in all aspects of civil construction including roads, bridges, subdivisions, general earthmoving, dams, pipelines, ports and utilities. Our Contractor Members are in fact the enablers and builders all sorts of vital infrastructure and we provide the infrastructure for housing, energy transition and community enabling infrastructure across every town and city in the country.

Associate Membership provides support and are key suppliers to the civil construction industry across the range of goods and services required including construction materials and products, equipment sales and hire, fuels and lubricants and professional services.

The CCF continues to grow, with around 1,800 Members nationally. CCF Members make a major contribution to the $100 billion worth of civil infrastructure projects undertaken every year in Australia.

CCF State and Territory Members enjoy a wide range of benefits including;

  • Being part of a united voice on issues affecting the industry;
  • Participating in the development of the industry through involvement in industry working groups and committees;
  • Networking with fellow contractors and clients at formal and informal functions;
  • Access to industrial relations, legal, environmental and WHS advice, support and consultancy services;
  • Tools to improve your business performance and positioning through industry-specific Integrated Management Systems and Certification Programs; and
  • Access to subsidised, industry-specific training for your management and staff.

When applying to join the CCF State/Territory branch, you can become a Member of Civil Contractors Federation National (Registered Organisation), which comes at no additional cost for the benefits as detailed further below.

What is the role of Civil Contractors Federation National (Registered Organisation)?

  • Support the Objects of the Federation which are to:
  1. Be the representative body under the Fair Work (RO) Act of employers engaged in the Civil Construction Industry; and
  2. Promote, protect, and advance the interests of Members engaged in the Civil Construction Industry

What are the Civil Contractors Federation National (Registered Organisation) – CCFRO core benefits?

  • Industrial Services
    • Provide support services to CCFRO National Members such as IR/legislation information, fact sheets webinars, (ie the National Wage Decision as handed down annually – 3 June 2024);
    • Host periodic Roundtables, Communities of Practice or Working Group meetings;
    • Provide representation services to the Fair Work Commission departmental officials.
  • Newsletter
    • CCF National provides a monthly national e-newsletter which provides updates on industrial and industry issues focused for employers. As a contractor Member you are entitled to five subscriptions.
  • Participate in Policy Working Groups including:
    • National Industrial Relations Working Group;
    • National Skills, Training and Civil Workforce Working Group;
    • Support for Civil at the newly established employer/employee Building and Construction Industry Reference Group held by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
  • CCF National Australian Infrastructure Summit and Earth Awards, Canberra
    • We host a two-day Australian infrastructure Summit – with national and international speakers with invitations distributed in August;
    • Invite to attend the National Earth Awards and Civil Construction Industry National Dinner.